(→英文) |
(/* In some cultures, it is the family’s responsibility to care for aging family members. So, even the word “caregiver” does not exist in many cultures.”Well,in India, I think this is interesting. There are so many middleclass Indian young peopl...) |
第 77 行: | 第 77 行: | ||
− | =====In some cultures, it is the family’s responsibility to care for aging family members. So, even the word “caregiver” does not exist in many cultures.”Well,in India, I think this is interesting. There are so many | + | =====In some cultures, it is the family’s responsibility to care for aging family members. So, even the word “caregiver” does not exist in many cultures.”Well,in India, I think this is interesting. There are so many middle class Indian young people who have moved to Australia or the U.K. or the U.S. and the parents are still living back in India. They just send money back. There’s, I think, an ongoing discussion in India of what’s really the responsibility of the family.They never even knew what the word 'caregiver' was because it’s just what you did.”===== |
− | *2.How do | + | *2.How do middle class Indian young people take care for aging family members? |
− | *3.Where do | + | *3.Where do middle class Indian young people move to? |
2015年5月7日 (四) 15:23的修訂版本
- 要籌備像「均優學習論壇」這類的大型研討會,大致可以從那四個要素來進行準備?
- 為什麼要舉辦「均優學習論壇」?
- 今年「均優學習論壇」的共同議程有那五項?
- 今年「均優學習論壇」的 slogen 是什麼?請解釋它的意思。
- 行政工作的宗旨是什麼?怎麼確保這個宗旨會實現?
- 今年「均優學習論壇」的開幕片的片名叫什麼?是在講些什麼內容?
- 您對明年均優學習論壇的建議。
- 要進行 youtube 網路直播,需要那七樣要素?
- 本班單車 600 公里行程,七天各住在那些地方。
- 本班單車 600 公里行程,違紀的同學該怎麼辦?
[隱藏]- 1 「中華民國在台灣」同學分組命題
- 2 實作
- 3 英文
- 3.1 In 2050 China will be the country with the largest population aged 80 years or over with 90 million.India will come in second with 37 million. And the U.S. will be third with 32 million.Other countries with the largest populations of the 80 and older crowd will be Japan, Brazil, Germany,France, Italy, Britain and the Russian Federation.This is according to the World Health Organization.
- 3.2 In some cultures, it is the family’s responsibility to care for aging family members. So, even the word “caregiver” does not exist in many cultures.”Well,in India, I think this is interesting. There are so many middle class Indian young people who have moved to Australia or the U.K. or the U.S. and the parents are still living back in India. They just send money back. There’s, I think, an ongoing discussion in India of what’s really the responsibility of the family.They never even knew what the word 'caregiver' was because it’s just what you did.”
- ---來台早期---
- 1947年2月底至5月,台灣發生 228 事件,請說明這個事件的遠因、導火線、經過、結果。
- 1950年台灣為什麼要將法幣由舊台幣換成新台幣?兌換比率是一塊新台幣換多少舊台幣?
---戒嚴時期--- - 1949.5.20至1987.7.15台灣經歷全世界最長的戒嚴時期,請問台灣戒嚴時期主要限制了人民那一些基本權利。
- 1950年韓戰爆發,請問韓戰對當時的台美關係有什麼影響?韓戰的戰爭結果是什麼?
- 什麼是白色恐怖?
---解嚴時期--- - 1989年中國發生六四天安門事件,請簡述這個事件的經過。
- 台灣在那一年舉行總統直選?對台灣總統直選中國的態度如何?美國的態度又如何?
- 1995年中華民國政府開始實施「全民健康保險」,請問這個制度對台灣人民有什麼重要性?
- 1999年台灣發生 921 大地震,受創最嚴重的那幾個縣市?當地的地方政府有能力獨力進行災後重建嗎?不然要怎麼辦?
---當前--- - 自2000年至今,台灣發生了兩次政黨輪替,請簡述這兩次政黨輪替的總統當選人及其所屬的政黨。
- 誰是中華民國在台灣以來,第一位被關的總統是誰?被關的罪名是什麼?他之前的中華民國總統有沒有犯過類似的錯誤?為什麼他們並沒有人被關起來?
---未來--- - 試述中國、美國、東南亞國協、歐盟對台灣未來的影響。
- 請問目前中華人民共和國國家主席及中國共產黨總書記各自是誰?
- 請問未來台灣在內政上的最大危機是什麼?
- 請問您支持「海峽兩岸,同屬一中」的政治主張嗎?為什麼?
- 幫沒學過的新同學分配小老師
- 線性漸層
- 放射漸層
- 給圖樣,同學做出來
- 1.巴西 ____________________________________
- 2.澳大利亞 ________________________________
- 3.埃及 ____________________________________
- 4.印度 ____________________________________
- 5.中國 ____________________________________
- 6.肯亞 ____________________________________
- 7.加拿大 _________________________________
- 8.日本 ____________________________________
- 9.西班牙 __________________________________
- 10.南韓 ____________________________________
- 11.美國 ____________________________________
- 12.英國 ____________________________________
- 13.南非 ____________________________________
- 14.紐西蘭 __________________________________
- 15.義大利 __________________________________
- 16.法國 ____________________________________
- 17.俄羅斯 __________________________________
- 1. Kill two birds with one stone.
- 2. A cat has nine lives.
- 3. Love me, love my dog.
- 4. Go to the sea, if you would fish well.
- 5. a black sheep
C. 根據文章段落大意,回答問題
In 2050 China will be the country with the largest population aged 80 years or over with 90 million.India will come in second with 37 million. And the U.S. will be third with 32 million.Other countries with the largest populations of the 80 and older crowd will be Japan, Brazil, Germany,France, Italy, Britain and the Russian Federation.This is according to the World Health Organization.
- 1.Which countries have the oldest populations?
In some cultures, it is the family’s responsibility to care for aging family members. So, even the word “caregiver” does not exist in many cultures.”Well,in India, I think this is interesting. There are so many middle class Indian young people who have moved to Australia or the U.K. or the U.S. and the parents are still living back in India. They just send money back. There’s, I think, an ongoing discussion in India of what’s really the responsibility of the family.They never even knew what the word 'caregiver' was because it’s just what you did.”
- 2.How do middle class Indian young people take care for aging family members?
- 3.Where do middle class Indian young people move to?
- 1. 在書桌上有一個蛋糕。
- 2. 在教室裡有五個學生。
- 3. 在電視機上面有兩本書。
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